We flew out to Los Angeles this past Wednesday. We left Corey's house around 5:30am to make it to the St. Louis airport in time to catch our flight. We arrived in L.A. around noon. We picked up our luggage and got our rental car. After that, we made our way to the hotel and we met up with Kurt (he's the one who hooked us up with the gig). We made our way to the Guitar Center. Before going in, we stopped by a popular L.A. burger joined called "The Apple Pan." This place was great!
After lunch, we checked out the brand new Guitar Center. This store was amazing! It's the biggest Guitar Center store in the whole country. It was two floors tall and filled with musical equipment. The guitar room was insane. The ceilings were about 30 feet tall and there were a good 200 guitars hanging on the wall. It was awesome.
Anyways, the guys picked out all the guitars, drums, and amps that they wanted to use for the gig on Thursday night. After that, we made our way back to the hotel. We all relaxed for a little bit and then met up with some friends from L.A. It was Halloween, so we knew we had to get out and do something. Most of us went to this huge festival in West Hollywood. We saw Hanson play. I must admit, they sounded pretty good! The festival was crazy. There were thousands of people running around in crazy costumes.....some people wearing next to nothing. We witnessed a big fight between about eight girls. It was entertaining to say the least. After the festival, we went back to the hotel to chill out and go to sleep.
We woke up Thursday and went over to Guitar Center. We spent most of the day getting ready for the show that evening. We met up with our booking agent, Andrew, and went to lunch at The Apple Pan. If you couldn't tell, we became fond of that place real quick. ha.
The show ended up being pretty awesome! We played in an empty building right next to Guitar Center. Kurt tried to get us to play on a rooftop, but it wouldn't work logistically (the city of L.A. wasn't compliant with our needs). The room fit about 400 people. When the guys played, there were somewhere in the area of 300 people. Guitar Center was giving away TV's, stereos, PS2's, etc. all night. All the giveaways were done in the room where we played. The guys got a good crowd response and played pretty well! We didn't sell much merch, but I think that was due to the fact that everyone there was in "free" mode. (They were getting free things all night.)
This event was advertised like crazy! There were 20,000 mailers sent to homes (the mailers had the band's picture and myspace site on them). There were also full-page ad's (with the band's picture and myspace address) in the L.A. Weekly for three weeks in a row!! KROQ (biggest radio station in the country) sponsored the event. They said the band's name in their advertisement as well!
I actually got to meet the owner of KROQ!! She was really nice. I hope to be in touch with her down the road.
We went back to our hotel after the show. We just hung out and went to bed. Our flight was at 12:15pm on Friday. We arrived in St. Louis around 6pm. From there, we drove to Corey's house and then back to Springfield.
Overall, the trip was amazing! We had a blast, got some great exposure, and made some new friends. I hope that this show ends up benefiting us down the road!
*A big thanks to Kurt French and Guitar Center for giving us the opportunity to play this event!*
**The guys' performance on Boston's "Fox 25 Morning News" can be seen