Sunday, June 15, 2008

New York, NY (Crash Mansion)

The Bang! Tour ended last night in NYC. We stayed an extra day and played a party for a friends at tonight at the Crash Mansion in NYC. The venue was really cool and the party went really well!

We played with Lannen Fall and Socratic. The Graduate headlined the show. The sound was great and the crowd loved it.

Thanks so much to for having us play! We had a blast.

And now I can officially say it..........we're GOING HOME tonight!!! Ahhhh. It's currently midnight. We should be leaving the city in the next thirty minutes. We have an eighteen hour drive back home. We're doing the whole thing straight.

This last two and a half months has been a great experience. It's had a lot of ups and downs (as all tours do), but overall, it was a fun time. The was the longest we've ever been out at one time, and I think we did a good job maintaining our composure (and sanity) on the road.

We've got about three weeks at home and then we're hitting the road again for an 8-week full US tour. I better rest up while I can over these next few weeks!


Alex said...

Hope the drive is going well! See you all soon! Thanks again. -naomi

katie brown said...

get excited for nyc again soon! i'll try to bring more of the fbr crew out to party.