Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Springfield, IL (Breadstretchers)

The guys were supposed to play a big show at Capital City Bar and Grill
on Saturday night. It was the Junior Varsity's CD release show. There
would have been 400+ people there. Unfortunately, some angry mother
called the fire marshall and complained about the venue filling over
capacity and underage drinking. As a result, the fire marshall made some
harsh demands, and they couldn't be met. The show was cancelled 24 hours
before it was supposed to happen.

We were really bummed about the show being cancelled, so we tried to
book our own show. We lucked out and booked one at Breadstretchers.
This venue was our old stomping ground. Everyone's old bands (J.A.C.K.
and Best Of Winter) used to play there all the time.

Anyways, we booked the show 24 hours in advance. It ended up being
really good! We packed the place as much as we could. It's probably
about a 100 capacity venue, and we fit like 144 people through the
door. There were also like 30-40 people standing outside, watching
through the glass.

The crowd was way into it! The guys played a long set again. It went
over really well. We did well in merch. It was an especially nice show
because we were running it. It was really relaxed. Overall, it was an
awesome show!

P.s. I don't think I ever mentioned that WE WON the MTVu 'Freshmen'
contest! Hopefully the video for 'Sit & Sink' goes into rotation ont
MTVu soon :o)

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